Monday, January 1, 2018

Thoughts on failure

I have always been of the mindset that failures were inevitable, and almost a rite of passage. Failure is an evidence of trying and are a sure way to not succeed. OK. So, then I watched "Meet the Robinsons" again along with a documentary about many of America's finest creators or inventors. And it was pretty much given as common sense, the addage that one ought to keep on. I recall a quote,but only vaguely, nothing specific, but it said that it is only failure if you stop there, otherwise it is a step towards success.

Well, so now you are thinking thoughts that I thought when I half listened toy children watching about Noah's Ark on a program. I thought, "If this is true, which without question, it is; then, God made a mistake when he was creating earth, but did not just scrap it all, but instead did a type of reset, but kept moving forward." Next, it was noted that man began to multiply again and they started to become wicked in God's eyes.

So, God must've had a purpose in the first place to feel like anything had failed.and the thing we call wickedness is not an intended thing. But, if it was inevitable that man would fail to please him, then the solution would have been to completely wipe them out, like they were ruining his beautiful, beloved planet, but they were kept and a promise was made to never flood the earth again.

So, wickedness is not desirable, but it is inevitable sorta like any failure.

I believe there is a plan and deviation is only part of eventual success unless one gives up.

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