Saturday, October 25, 2014

Eternal perspective

I wanted to explain my motivation, hah hah, now I sound like an actor, I meant that I realized the reason for my unexplained and misunderstood behavior is often a thing called eternal perspective.

Here is a tiny sample:

Sorry for that my battery was going to die. Hey, there is no need to apologize. This is not real time anyway...

I often sat watching my children playing in the bath tub. To keep myself entertained, I would bring my mobile device with me. Natrually, a voice nudged me, "why not take a picture? It lasts longer". The kids are always so adorable mostly because of the outlandish things they say. I used to make audio recordings of my siblings when I was younger and loved them so much, so I decided to record videos. Because they were do adorable to me I wanted to share them, or at least get a second back up copy online, so I posted them to YouTube, fully seeing no harm, because I truly was a sheer nobody anyway. Who cares what I post? Well, it turned out someone did and they decided to rip on me full-throtle telling me the errors of my ways. Actually, the reaction only made me more consider that the thing must be right or it would not be so vehemently oppossed (re: to see what matters follow the source of the dust cloud). The harder I was protested the more I wished to defy. But, I was ultimately moved to take the videos down from global perusal. I thought, it was no big deal to show naked todlers, but they would not always be todlers. I would not be offended to see myself naked as a tasked either, but I saw it from a more eternal perspective. If the babies would mature into someone like me, and it was wrong to record myself naked, I thought about morality in God's eyes. Our time in mortality is so minuscule that to discern different moralities for me vs. my children (who are me in microcosm) is rediculous (what is good for the mother goose is good for her chicks. vice versa). So, we likely appear the same eternally speaking and I would never record them in the bath if they were older let alone post such online, so I sort of repentented of doing such.

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