Hope is such a powerful thing. It keeps me ticking when everything else sides against me, then again, maybe it doesn't. See? That is how tricky hope is. I believe the things I hear alot. Like right now, Everything ought to be miserable by almost any standard, but I am creating a bit of conflict because it is gone. I trying to decide a choice that, by any reasonable standard does and could not exist. But, I had a dream
I fell asleep and have no idea what I was saying.
I only felt the need that I still do to express my hopeful nature although it makes no sense to have hope at all, in fact situation ought to have taught me not to trust impressions, but although I could not know enough, I want a thing that I feel certain my dad would warn me that wanting isn't needing. But, I get them confused alot, but this time is helping me overcome. I see it alot like a thing my sister calls retail therapy.
I remember a time I felt 100 percent sure my entire life hinged on getting a cd burner, but after I got it, and created a few cds nothing happened. I was confused because I was sure that it would alter my life, or that maybe after selling a hundred cds I would be heard and appreciated, but nothing happened. But, also Bill Clintin was elected, so I just figured the majority wasn't worth impressing anyway. I decided to look for something else to invest myself in...
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