Thursday, September 25, 2014

All I want

It was recently absorbed that the reason we think things are impossible is because of the way we use our brains to process the enormous amounts of information we are constantly bombarded with.

I further determined that I would like to recalibrate what I can accept and reflect upon so that my dreams would not be rejected as impossible.

The contemplation of how scientific truths have had to be rejected fueled my need to do so. I fully understand that ignorance is often bliss, how utopian it would be to just accept what I have been taught and make things fit. It honestly would produce a certain happiness which I deem higher than the hapiness things like promiscuity and gluttony might produce (a.k.a. eat, drink, and be merry).

In order to accept my dreams as possible, it seems needful to address what they are. So, then I will break down into accomplishable goals what must be done. Like Special Agent OSO and his Three Special Steps.

So, what do I want?
I want to find someone who will lay outside under the sky and speak their thoughts and listen to mine. Now, that doesn't sound so impossible does it? Well, it is. Because, this person and I unaware will be able to share the inner most parts of who we truly are and feel happy about it. My greatest fear has always been that to share inner thoughts and be inspired and happy I would also be sad because of laws that frustrate any potential understanding. Oh, crap. See, I know what I mean, but am afraid of being understood.

So, it is the perfect cage, fear is, because it takes so much hope to break free, like a rocket hoping to escape the earth's atmosphere.

Well, that is what I want, to discuss my thoughts and have them reciprocated and with someone who for some strange reason endures my stupidity, and will increase my comprehension with their every word.

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