Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Battle of the Bulge

I have a theory.

Sad to acknowlege having spent so much time considering it, anyway. But, as I age I am suddenly, without change in diet, getting fatter. I thought at first that my metabolism is slowing down is all, so I exercise more and eat less, and am increasingly intrigued by those ads for supplements or foods that rid you of that impossible to loose belly fat. But, I just had a break through thought, maybe the reason it is called impossible to loose is because it is just that, imposible. Maybe it is not fat at all, but skin. And as we age our elasticity decreases and that bulge that was always there is not held back by our tight skin anymore and so we appear to be gaining weight. But, if I lay on my back I am as skinny as,ever, and if I wear a tummy band problem solved the fat goes away. But, I hate feeling fake,maybe the solution is just accepting that the way I look changes with age and stop trying to look 17.

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