Friday, February 21, 2025


I remember an episode from the show Eureka wait, as I think of it, it was once again from Stargate Atlantis, when Rodney McKay mentions how great scientific discoveries came in the tub/shower and it was a result of clarity that comes from good circulation. I was in the bath because it was so cold, I feared my glucose was not reading properly... one thought lead to another until Boom! I realized it was not a fat or a hormone problem even, but a circulation issue. 
My body is extremely wise and constantly tweaking it's functions to improve my health, and as such I had falsely assumed that my weightloss, for example, had been due to my extreme amount of exercise. It is not, rather in spite of it.
 Truly, I care not about my weight. I care so very much, likely too much, about my fat amount. I want to be lighter and smaller it's true, and that is objectively measured through weight, but ultimately it is a matter of opinion.

Yesterday,  I listen alot and concluded that I needed to exercise less, Dr. Bikman reviewed the reasons we ought to expect success, like improved strength or stamina.  I decided to dedicate myself instead to being sure my glucose was always in the "healthy" or "normal" range, so, to mu surprise when I found it to be at an all time low, I broke my fast and ate, but even after eating it was still too low. So, my insulin had a nice break, but it is time to work again, and it truly does work extremely well, it is that nutrients and hormones are not circulating well that deserves my attention. I have Manu other signs that denote circulation troubles, and frankly, I have always been cold, so I will endure the hot flushes, and use the rebirth of being to be healthier instead of lamenting what is unobtainable, in other words: perfect.

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