It does not matter how fine a thought or strong a feeling may run, God wants you to love one another, even your enemy. He can actually help you feel that love if you sincerely seek to do so, which you should. Not wanting to obey is more usual than not it is a perfect set up to proving your descipleship. If you love him, keep his comnandments, he has commanded above all else love one another and if we need forgiveness, then look for opportunities to give it.
I remember an event that took so much faith! A total stranger asked to take my son to school. I prayed so hard and worried, and looked things up, but finally decided to just trust, she had said that she worked at the school. I felt good about that at least. Then she wrote to me explaining why she felt impressed to help. It was because she had been praying that morning to find ways to serve others and it was snowing and she saw me walking the kids to school everyday. I was so much more at peace knowing that. Then it was God simply seeing a need and meeting it, nit some crazy lady driving my son off somewhere. She did have two sons with her, and subsequently, I have seen her at other events at church and school, and my son is very very fond of her. The reason I tell that story is as an example of how someone wanted to do a thing and so prayed about it and then listened and obeyed promptings. Fear is the opposit of faith. I would like to report how I was inspired to know and trust this woman right off, but I didn't. That is how I feel right now. I am mad and want to be an enemy, but I need to obey what I am told and I have clearly been told to just love 'em anyway.