Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Walking in the cold

I was actually thinking about how Lehi, Jesus and basically anyone we use as an example was ostracized in their community and it is odd to consider the things they teach as "conservative". The Jewish body as a whole were so angered by anyone trying to rock the boat that they sought a penalty of death for those who taught anything that offended them John the Baptist is a good example, but the very actions we want to emulate...um, but then Nick left without warning. He ought not warn anyone anyway as his doings had nothing to do with us anyway.

Often, I keep doings to mysrlf so as to not bother him. But, earlier, I wanted to simply go to the grocery store to pick up 2 things Mary needed, but he refused to tell,me a pin number and insisted that it was too cold, and so my muding turn to that. Sure it was brisk, but not hardly as cold as it usually is when we walk. His issue was not that I walk in the cold but that it reflect  poorly on him if I was seen walking in the cold when he could have helped me. And that sort of irks me to the point that I took it here to rant. If it was a concern of me, he could have easily shared the PIN number of the card he uses that is in my name, that I actually needed and asked for, but he refused to tell me which any husband would have and then expressed a concern for my being outside in the cold which he did not. So, now, it is bedtime and he is gone and never mentioned to a soul where he was going. I wonder if he even ever feels the slightest obligation to his family.

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