Monday, December 30, 2013

Couldn't take it

Briefly, I wanted to fall back asleep but found out that this is a new stage in my life where I cannot bear the songs stinging my mind with it's verbal barbs. Mostly, I worried that if I was so influenced consciously, What the heck would happen if I heard such ideas in my dreams?

Monday, December 23, 2013


Now, that my mind paused long enough to consider the relationship between Joseph Smith and Walt Disney, I have moved on to speculate about Charles Dickens...and Victor Hugo, no, just Charles Dickens.

At Christmas time, I ought to be pondering the great truths expounded in the bedtime story called, " A Christmas Carol " but, I keep wondering what the significance of reading "Great Expectations" in my college literature class.

Things I pondered is how we compared a convict to Christ and how I made an off hand comment in a predominately Baptist class something I had considered true about the crucifixion. I was asked by the teacher to provide a reference from acceptable scripture to corroborate my statement.

But, the common thing of all my speculations is the marketing at why Mr. Dickens would have been in such a frame of mind to create his great works.

I love the whole premise of Great Expectations, to me, it is very much like having faith. In the novel our hero honestly believed something to be, and such a belief dictates his actions. In scripture, we learn that evidence comes after the trial of our faith. Well, what if that evidence is not what was expected?

Also, I had always considered the curious wording of what is called "The Book of Mormon Promise" ask yourself if the thing is NOT true. I suppose that dares to suggest something might not be true. Never fear though, cause something are true and you will know, or no longer just believe or speculate or have Great Expectations.

Friday, December 20, 2013

That much never changes

I have constant desires though situation changes and sometimes I get more selfish or human, I love my children too much to put my desire for comfort above what they need. In that light, my wishes are plain. Now, how to make them be.

I'll just toss this out there, it is a dangling singular thought: living so far from any family, freezing cold, without a piano or a car and so many other things I need to do the things that would bring me peace of mind is nearly unbearable. It is comparable to throwing away Nick's computer and then wrecking his car. Do not worry, I would never do that.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I really hate to ruin this, I know that you read this, though. I am tired of thinking every move several times ahead, so it must end.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


I am going to become who I intended. Things needed to be impossible to be, and though it seems unfair, I see the mercy and intended kindness. Both come from and may be seen through eyes of love.

I was looking at a picture, and wondered if you would consider Parsley.