There have been two diferent times sort of the same thing happened and I feel like the pharoah who had a dream that he couldn't shake, but how noble of him to bother looking for answer to a dream. It seems like he could have just said, they were just dreams, nothing more, but it was his dire need to know what it meant that ended up meaning a very important consequence that would effect all mankind.
Anyway, the first time was more of an idea that came in a visible way. Next, came a dream, full blown with sound and of those I think they are called lucid dreams where you retain a memory of feelings,even when I woke up. It did 2 things 1) made me wonder why we do not just live in dreams, I could not see an advantage instantly of waking up. 2) I wanted so much to go back to that same dream again, I felt like I ought to have behaved differently, it was a dream afterall.
I cannot return to my dream, but I could try to model life after it. I suppose that is what people call having and chasing your dream. But, when we had a lesson yesterday about Ester I thought about Torchwood, no. Just kidding, I thought about how terrifying it would have been for her to know that she was risking her life in speaking to the king. I bet she rehearsed a billion times what she would say. And then starving for 3 days, have you ever tried it? Talk about being glittery, and exhausted, but that Corr's song says when you're young you don't even need sleep or food anyway. And she was young, but I know that we only fasted 1 day for Aaron Murphy, but it was miraculous. I think it will stay with me, written in the inner parts of,my heart, reminding me what a focused good a group fast and prayer can do. The world is just now catching up and realizing that prayer does unexplained good for the recipient, and the giver.
Someone noted that when we speak things out loud it solidifies in our beings, and that is a reason for testimony meetings.
It has been long since accepted that there are benefits to prayer and positive thinking, though it is unexplained has never been an issue for religion. People are happy and do not know why and do not need to know why. Then, the world pretends to discover things as they joyfully accept what mysteriously was known all along.
So, now on to why I do not chase after my dream, if I do want it to become a reality, no matter how real a dream seems it is a dream and not a place or thought that we can return to the thoughts that created a place so perfect. I have actually prayed for Such a reality, but do not confront because It would be foolish, there is no mortal consequence or anything that prevents me out of fear of death, like Ester, but, a certain sense of bounderies. Also, because I love the idea so fully, I do not desire to ruin any chances I could have, by speaking on a hope.
It is a dream that I am so obsessed with that I am going to have to have more faith than I have to achieve, and it would be like going to a gun fight without a gun. I do not fear for my life, I fear for possible regret. So, I'll conclude with a favorite quote as of yesterday."not shrinking is far more important than surviving"