Instead, I realized that my parents still are and will likely always be slightly better than me, even when they get old, they are more fit and talented than me. When my parents were my age they always out performed me, which is fine...I have kids, only trouble is my kids are much better than me as well, already. So, my parents are amazing, my siblings are almost perfect, my kids out score everyone so that they are nearly off the charts most of the time, I attribute that to their father who is also incredibly intelligent and able and likely the reason, I can never seem to put my finger on why staying youthful and thin is important to me... but what I realized was that I was a huge zero. I am a black hole. Realizing everyone else's greatness should prove to me that I am awesome, too, but it only makes me feel like a total failure, until I realized that I was a black hole and no one really knows what is going on there..... but every family, eh universe has one, a massive one... all I can say is that there needs to be an opposition in all things, so it us because I am so mediocre that makes everyone else seem so a movie scene in my head ( )